Lost in Lock Down |
Upcoming Shows |
Join us (via ZOOM) as we explore the insides of our psyches, souls and bedrooms! Let's get silly and stream away those ISO-blues.
Don’t miss the fun as we bring your favourite variety night of mischief and mayhem to the online spacecraft landing right in your living room.
For the First time in history Lost is in Lock Down... Lost Cabaret communities world wide are finally coming together to forge our response to the Covid Lockdown in this Virtual Cabaret; Lost in Lockdown... Where ever you are in the world, wherever we are in the world, lets connect and do what the Lost Cabaret do best- Stay Weird, Stay Wild and Stay Curious.
A killer line-up with a trivia quiz intermission with Kit- the Kitimmission.
Free/Pay what you want/ Donation
Zoom Shows in Lockdown:
April 25th 2020: 8pm London/ 9pm Paris
May 2nd 2020: 8pm Melbourne & Sydney
Upcoming shows:
May 9th 2020: 8pm London/ 9pm Paris
May 16th 2020: 8pm Melbourne & Sydney
May 23rd 2020: 8pm London/ 9pm Paris
Tune in for the International Lost in Lockdown merging all corners of the globe; London, Paris, Sydney, Melbourne etc. join us to get ridiculous, silly and have a ton of nonsense to look forward to every Saturday in the comfort of your own home...
Don’t miss the fun as we bring your favourite variety night of mischief and mayhem to the online spacecraft landing right in your living room.
For the First time in history Lost is in Lock Down... Lost Cabaret communities world wide are finally coming together to forge our response to the Covid Lockdown in this Virtual Cabaret; Lost in Lockdown... Where ever you are in the world, wherever we are in the world, lets connect and do what the Lost Cabaret do best- Stay Weird, Stay Wild and Stay Curious.
A killer line-up with a trivia quiz intermission with Kit- the Kitimmission.
Free/Pay what you want/ Donation
Zoom Shows in Lockdown:
April 25th 2020: 8pm London/ 9pm Paris
May 2nd 2020: 8pm Melbourne & Sydney
Upcoming shows:
May 9th 2020: 8pm London/ 9pm Paris
May 16th 2020: 8pm Melbourne & Sydney
May 23rd 2020: 8pm London/ 9pm Paris
Tune in for the International Lost in Lockdown merging all corners of the globe; London, Paris, Sydney, Melbourne etc. join us to get ridiculous, silly and have a ton of nonsense to look forward to every Saturday in the comfort of your own home...

London's most alternative comedy night!
Last Wednesday of every month at
The Betsey Trotwood (Farringdon) 8:00 pm!
Yes, we pride ourselves on being one of the weirdest shows you are likely to see in London, full of clowns, characters, music and more.
Entry is always free, with exit by donation. The Lost Cabaret is not-for-profit and you can be certain that all of your kind donations go right back into the machine that makes the entire production run (marketing, promotion and the artists themselves). No matter how much you can spend on a night out, we are happy to give you a show you'll never forget... LET'S GET LOST!
Currently offering Virtual Zoom Shows in convergence with the Lost Paris, Sydney and Melbourne teams, since all theatres and venues due to Covid-19... Stay tuned for when we are back and running at the Betsey Trotwood. See you soon on screen!
London's most alternative comedy night!
Last Wednesday of every month at
The Betsey Trotwood (Farringdon) 8:00 pm!
Yes, we pride ourselves on being one of the weirdest shows you are likely to see in London, full of clowns, characters, music and more.
Entry is always free, with exit by donation. The Lost Cabaret is not-for-profit and you can be certain that all of your kind donations go right back into the machine that makes the entire production run (marketing, promotion and the artists themselves). No matter how much you can spend on a night out, we are happy to give you a show you'll never forget... LET'S GET LOST!
Currently offering Virtual Zoom Shows in convergence with the Lost Paris, Sydney and Melbourne teams, since all theatres and venues due to Covid-19... Stay tuned for when we are back and running at the Betsey Trotwood. See you soon on screen!